5 Mistakes in Using Mascara – ladies, are you the one who likes to use mascara? If so, chances are you have experienced some mistakes in applying mascara which made the results not as good as imagined.
5 Mistakes in Using Mascara
In fact, not infrequently, mistakes made in applying mascara are often repeated and not realized. So, for that, you must know some mistakes in using mascara so that they can be avoided. What’s wrong with that? Check out the details that we have quoted from the Eyelashes Manufacturer Indonesia website below.
- Do Not Curl The Eyelashes Before Applying
The first mistake of using mascara is not curling the lashes before applying. This error makes the appearance of the lashes not as curved as possible. In fact, curling lashes before applying mascara helps lift lashes so they are curled and make mascara easier to apply.
Therefore, you should curl your lashes first before applying mascara so that the results are better and the eyes become beautiful.
- Wrong Pattern of Application
The next mistake that needs to be avoided is the wrong application pattern. The mistake here occurs when you apply mascara with a motion that starts from the root to the tip. This method of application prevents the mascara from sticking perfectly and the curling effect is also not optimal.
The application method that should be done is to apply it in a zigzag pattern from right to left. That way, the results will be better and also satisfying.
- Curling Eyelashes After Applying Mascara
This one mistake is often done with the aim of making the eyes curl. But do you know that this method is actually wrong? Curling lashes after applying mascara makes them prone to fall out.
After applying the mascara, the lashes will harden so that if you pinch them, they will fall out easily and become brittle. If done continuously, of course, has the potential to damage the lashes. Just curl your lashes at the beginning before applying mascara.
- Using Mascara Over and Over
The next mistake that also needs to be avoided is applying mascara repeatedly. Why? Because this method can cause the mascara to become clumpy. Instead of making your eyes beautiful, the mascara that is applied makes your eyes look strange and incomplete.
To avoid this, just apply mascara two to three times so that the mascara formula doesn’t clump and the results are better. As a result, your eyes will look more beautiful and charming.
- Wearing Mascara Only at the Edge
Well, another mistake of wearing mascara is wearing mascara only at the tip of the lashes. You need to know that applying mascara only on certain sides will make it curl.
This is because the side that is polished with mascara will be heavier so that the appearance of the lashes is not lifted. The result will not look tapered. So that this does not happen, apply mascara evenly across the lashes so that they are taper and more beautiful.
Maybe that’s all the information we can provide for all of you, hopefully the information above can be useful for all of you. For those of you who want to get a variety of other interesting information, you can listen to the Eyelashes Manufacturer Indonesia website.